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Not all backup methods are the same, nor do they offer the same levels of data protection and restoration.

As a rule of thumb, you should never rely solely on one type of backup solution.  Multiple backup solutions will ensure your files are always available when needed - providing a multi-layer safety net for your business.

A combination of data backup and disaster recovery solutions working together to ensure uptime, diminish data loss, and maximize productivity will keep your business safe when trouble strikes.

Onsite Backup Solution

One of the traditional ways to create a backup of your business data is to store copies of important files in your business location using a backup appliance.  In the event of a missing file, file corruption or encryption, disk corruption or hardware failure, onsite backup solutions can provide your business with quick access to data recovery.

Is an Onsite Backup Solution enough?

  • Theft:  What is a theft occurred in your business and your onsite backup solution was damaged or stolen?

  • Device Failure:  What if the device(s) storing your important data fails through natural abrasion or is compromised by a disgruntled employee?

  • Disaster:  What if you were struck by a physical or natural disaster such as fire, flood or tornado?

  • Ransomware:  If you are hit with a ransomware attack and your onsite device is a simple sync with your server, your backups may be held ransom as well.

Any of these circumstances can wipe out all of the data stored onsite in your business, making recovery virtually impossible.  Consequently, an onsite backup solution never be the ONLY backup your business relies on.

Offsite Backup Solutions

For an added level of protection for your business, keep your data offsite.  If any of the above scenarios were to occur, an offsite backup solution is ideal to ensure you will be able to recover your valuable business data.  Some compare this service to an insurance policy, as it provides a level of confidence, should a disaster occur, you are covered.

Online or Cloud Backup Solutions

Many businesses are embracing the Cloud, and backup solutions are no exception.  With an online or cloud-based backup solution, your data is stored in remote online servers.

One of the benefits of storing your data online is that it can be accessed anytime and anywhere there is an internet connection, proving easy access in the event of a recovery situation.  This provides business owners peace of mind since they wont have to worry about their files getting lost or being inaccessible.

Hyper-V Backup Solutions

If your business has a virtual server(s), Virtual Machines (VM's) need a reliable backup solution too.

Virtual Hyper-V environments can be very complex, and implementing a comprehensive backup strategy can be complex as well.  Ensure you have a qualified and knowledgeable team on a backup solution of this scale.

Types of Backup Solutions

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